Have same issue. Can someone help me please?
@Esteskurt You are good to go.
Hello. I am having this exact same issue. The device is online (i can see the MAC address in wireless router list) but the app says it is off line. Here is my serial number and MAC address.
can someone help? Please?I’ve had the engineering team resolve this issue for your controller.
Amazing. Thank You very much!
I’m having a very similar problem with my 2 controllers (online for a couple of hours then dropping off in the app). I can ping them so I know they are online. I also see the byte count for the firewall session increasing to the controllers seem to be talking to the app server. Hope you guys can work some magic for me.
@janderson Appreciate the patience, we do have an issue with some Gen1 controllers not properly reporting status that they are online even though they are. Hopefully next week we will be able to resolve the issue. A little more information here. I had the engineering team sync your controllers and they should appear online in the app.
We released software today to fix this behavior. The controller isn’t actually falling offline, it just isn’t reporting back to our cloud software to let us know it is still online. If after today you are still experiencing this issue please let us know.
Hello, i am having this happen to me. Gen 1 controller flashing green for a few hours but app still says offline. Looked for an update to the app and tried refreshing, also restarted phone with no luck. Thanks
The engineering team has identified the issue with the controller and you should be good to go.
Add me to the list. My controller started showing offline in the app a couple of days ago. I’ve power-cycled it, re-did the wireless setup, and even stopped the app. The controller is blinking green as normal and shows up on our network but still shows offline in the app. Please take a look at it on your end. Thanks.
I had the engineering team review and it looks correctly online. Are you seeing different?
Thanks for checking. It is working now. It may have been that the past notification kept popping up every time I tried to use the app until I archived it.
Having the same issue. Its happened twice over the last week. When I unplug/ re-plug it temporarily solves the issue.
I am having the same issue. I have unplugged/replug, I have redone the wifi connection settings, according to the blinking lights it establishes a wifi connection. I am able to ping from my router. But the app still shows that the controller is offline.
I am having the same issue. Started about a week ago. It shows offline in the webapp/mobile app, but it shows online in my router and i can ping it with a reply. When I reboot the router, it goes away, but is just temporary and goes back to showing offline the same day.
Strange. I had the engineering team restart the controller and it looks fine now. There still might be a minor issue of the controller reporting back to our cloud to let it know that it is still online. Ill have the engineering team review the firmware again.
Ok, thanks! I can confirm it is back online on my end without me doing anything. I will definitely keep an eye on it.
I am having the same issue as everyone else the controller is blinking that it is connected to the WiFi but on my mobile app it is says the controller is offline?
I had the engineering team review. The controller does not look like it was provisioned correctly. I would remove from your account and re-add the controller.