I have a Gen1 controller where the app shows it’s offline. I have factory reset the router; power cycled the controller (it has a steady blink - which is supposed to mean “conencted to server”).
I am able to ping the Rachio device on my network. I also see on the router that it has a connection established with an amazon server; I presume it’s where the rachio service is running.
The controller has not been watering for a few days - and I just noticed this problem. Support is just having me reset etc. … this seems more like a server side issue on Rachio’s side. Anyone else run into this issue?
I’m having the exact same problem, been talking to Jacob in support via email
I have also removed the controller and set it up again many times, swapped my router around, used different phone, setup a new user profile…nothing has made a difference. I would agree it seems as though it is a server side issue.
I’m going to call into support tomorrow and see if they can get it going.
I had the team review your controller data and we have identified an issue with the firmware. We are reviewing and will have a solution for your controller this morning.
Engineering team has found the cause and fixing (I believe it is due to the rain sensor being triggered). We will have this resolved today. I’ll let you know when your controller is good to go.
I am suffering from the same issue. Gen 1 controller connect to the internet and is responding to pings but the app always shows offline. Tried all the same things above with no success.
As far as the engineering team can determine your settings are correct. Offline might just be due to the controller needing a WiFi reset if any of your router settings have changed.
Have you tried updating your WiFi settings on the controller?
I have tried updating the wi fi settings. I tried it with the router and also tried to use an extender signal. But indicate success in the phone app after blinking but it still shows offline. The wifi light on Rachio goes green, then a quick red, and a quick amber, then blinks green several times before the wifi light goes not again.
I am suffering from the same issue. Gen 1 controller connect to the internet and is responding to pings but the app always shows offline. Tried all the same things above with no success.
Can you try this? I had the team review your controller data and it looks correct but offline. Your signal strength also looks very weak. Moving the unit closer to the router (initially) might help it get connected.
I never had an issue in the 3 years I have had the Rachio Controller and nothing has changed as far as my ISP, router, password, etc. I even tried rebooting the router this morning and no luck. A friend of mine is having the same issue so thinking possibly it is on your end?