V3 & WeatherFlow

Interesting that the path through WU better represents reality (I was home and the winds were quite strong :slight_smile: ).

Is there anything we can do to get the best of both worldsā€¦ the higher refresh rate of the direct path plus the more accurate feeling representation of the wind speed and gusts the WU approach seems to provide? Thanks!

Hi @Gene Looking to see if you would be willing to add my Weatherflow to PWS Weather. If so, here is the link and thank you in advance!!


@mda, Iā€™ll see what can be done next time Iā€™m messing around with WF code.

@kjvoss Done (link), be on the lookout for PWS_Wx65462 :+1:

@Gene Thanks for getting my weather station set up. Can you set up one more Weatherflow to PWS Weather? (helping my brother) https://smartweather.weatherflow.com/station/8587/grid

Thanks again.

@kjvoss Done (link), his data will be available via PWS_Wx80321

@Gene can you please add my Weatherflow to PWS Weather


I greatly appreciate you creating this service so we are not forced to upgrade our Rachioā€™s from Gen 2 to Gen 3 just to get access to our Weatherflow data.


@gomce62 my pleasure, Done (link), be on the lookout for PWS_Wx29671


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Hi Gene. Hey, PWSWeather no longer seems to be receiving my data while Weather Underground is. Can you please double-check to make sure whatever magnificent voodoo you do so well is still operational? Iā€™d be much obliged. PWS_KCARANCH289

Thanks, looking into it.

Ok, issues with WU should be resolved. Data should resume updating as of now.

Thanks @Raymondo17 for bringing it to my attention.


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Thank YOU, Gene. My station is back online with PWS. Very much obliged for your kind assistance. :slight_smile:

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@Gene my Weatherflow station you added has been showing up in PWS fine since last week but it still does not show-up in Rachio Weather Intelligence screens. Any idea how long it takes for new PWS stations you have added to show-up in Rachio Weather Intelligence?


Usually takes a couple of hours, have you tried looking for the station via the web app?


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Webapp worked thanks @Gene


Could you add mine as well?



Thank you!


Done (link), be on the lookout for PWS_Wx93160.

Iā€™ve used your weatherflow data as a source, let me know if you run into any issues.

Thanks Gene. I will keep an eye out for it.


This discussion seems to have become a signup list for Gene. I was hoping to find out how peoples Weatherflow stations are functioning, specifically the haptic rain sensor. I like that the ā€œairā€ and ā€œskyā€ sensors are 2 distinct units, so each can be positioned separately.

Any comments from Weatherflow owners?

:slight_smile: Havenā€™t heard anything, support wise, about issues with weather flow stations (unlike netatmoā€¦). Personally Iā€™m still content with using the older 5 in 1 from acurite, as calibration on that unit is super ez (unlike their newer Atlas line).

WeatherFlow has not captured my imagination as the calibration is more of ā€œblackmagicā€ rather than science:

Seems that many people who use backup methods of rain tracking, such as a physical rain gauge, find that calibration is needed, official response seems to be that calibration is done via a learning algorithm based on an undisclosed data source.

While the rain sensor is technically a solid state device, hepatic sensors are not infallible and sensitivity does degrade overtime, Iā€™m also curious how they differentiate between the direct impact by the rain on the sensor body, vs indirect impact onto the mount.

Solid state rain sensor has a good chance of being a game changer, but, in my opinion, there is plenty of work to get there (first of which would be to develop a good calibration procedure, available to power users).

On Friday, I received the WeatherFlow Tempest unit I had ordered way back in early December. I never had an Air/Sky unit beforehand, but read about the false alerts surrounding the previous haptic sensor. So far, the Tempest has performed as expected and I havenā€™t experienced any false readings.

I came here to let folks know that once the Tempest is integrated into Weather Underground, a process that took roughly 30 minutes to complete, I was able to select my individual PWS via the Rachio app. The process was quick and easy. The end result is that our Rachio V3 is now using the real weather data provided by the Tempest on our property to make its calculations.

We love our Rachio!

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