Hi, I cannot find my netatmo in the rachio weather network. My PWS station id is 1689746521379465, https://www.pwsweather.com/obs/1689746521379465.html and the meteoware webapge is http://my.meteoware.com/2012597. It’s been reporting for about 4 weeks now but I still cannot see it in rachio. What am I missing?
Alas Gen 3 does not support pwsweather or meteoware, you would need to upload your data to weather underground. If your current account with meteoware does not support it, let me know and I can help you out. No matter what, you would need to register with weather underground and create a station to host your data.
Are you publishing to any weather networks at http://plus.meteoware.com/#/weathernetworks? You’ll need to add Weather Underground http://plus.meteoware.com/#/weathernetworks/wunderground.
I am currently publishing to pws weather. It appears my meteoware account is capable to publishing to weather underground. I have created an account and setup a station, I have a station id, however I am unsuccessful in connecting to wunderground after entering my station ID and user password. Bad credentials. I am not sure what the issue is.
You need to use the ID and key at this page: https://www.wunderground.com/member/devices
Got it. It was asking for the password, ie the login password. When I put the key in there it connected. Hopefully soon enough I’ll see data there and then be able to find it in Rachio. I’ll check back in a day or two. Thank you for the help for now!
pwsweather so much more reliable than WU. Hopefully a software update will allow us to use these stations soon.
I signed up to this forum just to comment on this thread. I have a support ticket in for this very issue. I am uploading my Netatmo data to both WU and PWSweather. I concur that WU is extremely unreliable and would much prefer to utilize PWSweather with my Rachio. Almost makes me wish that I had bought a version 2 Rachio. Why does the older version support PWSweather and version 3 only supports WU? This is a serious downgrade in my mind.
#1 thread (link) of all time by replies is still about using WU data with older gen Rachios. I agree that it would be nice if newer Rachios would retain pwsweather support in addition to WU, because if nothing else, new WU stations take so long to show up, but WI+ is a relatively new development, Rachio team is good at making continuous improvements.
Thanks @Gene. Since reading through a few threads, I also see a large number of them related to issues with WU being down or a problem with the API. In addition to being very flaky, WU will kick stations off the map if the data received is more than 15 minutes old. Even though Meteoware sends data every 6 minutes Netatmo only updates every 10 minutes. This combination should report in under the 15 minute cap but more times than not, it misses. Sometimes it may take almost 30 minutes for data to arrive. My Netatmo station is off the WU map more than it is on it. Meteoware seems unable to fix or address the issue. PWSweather is on the other hand rock solid. Here is hoping that the Rachio team takes note and gives us both.
This a a great idea @Otto_Mation. @Gene, is there a reason something like this couldn’t get implemented?
I think at the end of the day, it comes down to expenses. Support for both would take time and money in R&D to do right, not to mention the fees that Rachio is spending for access. As far as I know, a portion of WI+ capability to do predictive (hyper local) weather comes from technology developed by WU/IBM and licensed by Rachio, meaning that adding a pwsweather as a data source would not result in significant gains in that respect.
In long term consolidating support to just one service will make it easier on average user, if this service happens to be the most widely used source of PWS data, all the better. There has been many improvements since IBM bought WU, these days if you can reliably get your data to pwsweather, there are no reasons why the same can’t be done with WU.
Well with a little help from our friend @Gene I am good with WU for now. If they ever do support both WU and PWSweather, I will have the option to use either but I seem to be rock solid on WU for the first time ever. Thank you Gene.
Thanks for the reply @gene. Isn’t Rachio already supporting both? Gen 1 + most gen 2’s use PWCS, gen 3 + some gen 2’s use WU? Having both available with gen 1+ would provide a considerably better user experience and remove frustration of users.
Alas supporting A or B is not the same as supporting A + B. That being said, please keep in mind that I do not work for Rachio, so I am not privy to the discussions the development team had when they’ve made their decisions, at the very least licensing costs would have to be considered. Rachio seems to include the data access fees into the initial cost of their product, few people would likely wish to pay more just for an option to choose a station from a different provider, especially if the data can still be made available on the primary provider.
I still cannot find my station within Rachio. I can find it on the wunderground map. https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/ICALGA25
Any other ideas?
Seems that data became available on WU on the 16th (about 6 days ago), it will likely show up within Rachio any day now (usually takes about a week).
Does the Netatmo weather station (with rain gauge) work then with Rachio v3? Or should one avoid buying it if we want to use it with our controller?
It will work via weather underground network.