Rachio 3 Not Responding in Homekit (Again)

I agree with the first part still but I think stopped “trying” about 8 months ago. Before that, the CTO was directly commenting here (franz) and we at least saw more of the wheels turning. A month or so after they started The Official HomeKit Updates Thread progress pretty much ended. Since the beta they released in April, all they’ve done is add additional logging and move to the Apple SDK in a beta firmware (which I’m not convinced anyone actually got). The updates have largely been “waiting on _______”. Either waiting for people to get back into it or for a holiday to be over or waiting a on company (Cypress and then Apple). I suspect they reached the end of their technical ability, which is really unfortunate. Unless Apple really puts some hard effort on it and make a breakthrough, I don’t think this will ever be solved.

I assume they’re referring to this: The Official HomeKit Updates Thread