I was wondering how Rachio can be integrated into current maintenance systems across multiple commercial/residential sites for maintenance personnel. Can one app be used to monitor multiple sites? Can a maintenance company have limited access to the controller (are there different access settings for different users)?
A Rachio owner can grant access to anyone with an e-mail address. This provides two levels of operation: limited, basically allowing someone to check if anything is running and to initiate running a zone; and full, giving access to the entire UI,
If someone has basic web development skills they can integrate using Rachio’s REST API. The REST API provides access to many Rachio features.
IFTTT can be used to create custom integrations, and there are many integrations described in the knowledge base http://support.rachio.com/category/438-integrations
We have a couple ways of sharing access.
Thank you for the replies. Do either of you know if the maintenance personnel can manage multiple Rachio devices from one app instance? Do they have an overview of all of the maintenance properties that they look after?
I answered my own question with the FAQ. Thank you all for your help!
Yes, we just enhanced this functionality.