Hose Timer won't shut off

I have several hose timers, and one of them won’t shut off completely at the end of it’s scheduled run. I have the same problem when I manually activate and manually shutoff the flow. I’ve disconnected the timer from the hose bib and checked for any debris and don’t see any. I’ve also tried changing the batteries which didn’t help. I was hoping updating to the latest firmware would fix it, but it hasn’t. I’ve even tried resetting the valve by holding the Valve button down for 11 seconds until the Valve’s LED began flashing red. Nothing has worked.

Any suggestions, or does this thing need to be replaced?

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Hmmm, that is strange behavior. I’ll PM you to followup.


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Franz, can you loop me in? I just had 3 of my 6 hose timers fail to shut off this morning. As an important side note, I do use ditch water for my lawns. Perhaps dirt/debris is getting into the actuator mechanism? How do we flush that out?

FYI, the firmware is updated to 6.0.15 on all of my hose timers.

Thank you for reporting this.

I will have the customer success team contact you and troubleshoot/resolve the issue.


Do you not have any kind of filtration? This would 100% cause an issue with the internals of the valve.

I have the same issue on my timer as well. Currently is outputting 8gpm while on and when I try to turn it off it drops to 1.2Gpm.
It is also leaking from the timer while on just above where the hose outlet is like it’s an internal leak near the valve.

I will have our customer success team reach out to you.


Sign me up for this issue. Totally flooded my garden beds twice in the last week because the hose timer solenoid does not appear to close at the end of the run, and it ran all day while I was at work. It thinks it’s done, but never shuts off the flow. If I press the button it turns blue, water flows, I press it again and it blinks red and water just keeps flowing… It’s basically always on…

-Latest firmware
-tried resetting the device
-changed batteries

This is very worrisome. The device should fail into a closed state, not open.

Sam issue here. Can support please let me know how to fix?

Same issue happened to me today. The app showed that the morning watering task had been completed, however, water flow wasn’t shut off and my sprinklers were working for 5 hours until I noticed it. The app didn’t show that the valve was open. When I physically pressed the button LED turned blue and nothing changed. I had to press it again in order to close the valve (LED turned red). After this incident I disabled all schedules in Rachio app and sent an email to support@rachio.com
Hopefully, someone will take a look