Feature request: Start at Sunrise

You say you didn’t see a need for it so I tried to explain why it would be helpful (as another did too way back in 2021 and others asked for it again). You may still think it is not needed but I and others do.

In my opinion it is best to either stay silent on a customer request or counter it with a good reason vs having an announcement saying you have this feature and then never delivering. Then, if announced you cannot deliver on what you promised then you had best explain why. (this is to Rachio @franz not to @tmcgahey or @Thomas_lerman)
You may not be affiliated with the cofounder of Rachio. That is fine. What I am saying that the top executives of Raicho announced this feature and did not deliver and never explained why so that is bad.
The Raichio co-founder announced this feature back in 2018 so that is why I reference him. It’s here! Rachio V3.0 App Update Released

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