Hi, I bought a house with rachio controller installed. I installed app but cannot add it. I got the controller in use error. What should I do in this case?
Can you private message me your email address that you have created a Rachio account with and send me a photo of the serial number of the controller?
I have a similar issue. I installed my controller and was following the setup wizard. When testing the first zone, it didn’t fire (I think I need to go through the advanced wiring setup). However, when i backed out of the wizard, it took me back to the 1st step which is to add the controller. When I do that, I get the “controller already in use” error. Now I’m stuck.
Need to get this up and running today (Saturday) as it’s blazing hot now and my old controller has been removed.
@jmitch9001 - send @Franz a direct message using this support site with a picture of the serial number and the email address that was used in initially setting up the controller. I’m sure he’ll get it sorted out PDQ.
@jmitch9001, if you logout and back into the app, you should be rerouted to the home screen. From there, you can get back to the zone setup wizard by going to the Zone tab, then look for “Set Up” in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
16 posts were split to a new topic: Wiring for an ancient richdell controller