API support for Smart Hose timer?

:joy:. Sounds like hubitiat is polling too often. We have HA polling every 2 minutes, and adding a minute to that for every additional base station on the account if a user has multiple. That seems to be more than adequate. I agree webhooks would be a big improvement through, I’d rather not mess with polling at all.

Is there still no API support for the Smart Hose Timer? I bought two thinking I could use them with IFTTT, but it doesn’t work with the Smart Hose Timer.

I see complicated workarounds on message boards that involve purchasing a Home Assistant device and some type of manual programming, but I have zero experience with that kind of thing and don’t want to have to purchase anything else to get the Smart Hose Timers to work.

I just want to turn on a hose for a set duration when motion is detected on my Ring. It seems like such a simple thing! Really disappointed.

There is API support, just not IFTTT support apparently. Those are two different things. I would assume it can be added by Rachio if they so choose.