Add Weather Underground Station

We use onsite PWS information for precipitation data. The rain skips and saturation (climate) skips will benefit the most.


Thanks franz. I’ll adjust accordingly.

Hello, can someone add KNYMALVE4 and KNYHEMPS2. Thank you in advance

Asking via multiple threads was not necessary :wink: Active users tend to read everything that is new :cheers:



Thank you and I apologize

No need to apologize :hugs:, just made that note for anyone else who finds themselves in your situation :wink: Sorry if it came over as anything other than friendly :upside_down_face:


Hey Gene, Rachio suggested you are the person to ask. I skimmed this, but to be 100% sure if I have the WeatherFlow station, and have gone through the steps to get it setup on Weather Underground, the Gen 3 can use that? Debating an upgrade, have the original model since early '17.

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Think I found this in another thread, looks like this is the case.

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Are you looking to update your controller or your PWS? In any case you are correct about WU data and Gen 3 controllers :+1:

Looking to upgrade my controller from Gen1 to Gen3. Already have the WeatherFlow station and WU connection. Thanks for the confirmation, sounds like a step in-between of working with you to update the station to the list you manage, but otherwise ~straightforward. Puts a bit more pressure on the accuracy of the WeatherFlow rain metering…

Hi Gene, could you possibly add my WeatherFlow station at:

to the PWS network I can integrate it with my Gen 2 Rachio controller?

Thanks in advance!

Done (link), be on the lookout for PWS_Wx53925, I’ve used your WeatherFlow data instead of WU as it is more likely to work without interruptions. Your station should become visible in a few hours. Thanks for providing the controller type as it avoids needless questions.



Thanks! See it already. Appreciate the assistance!



Would you be able to add my Weather underground feed to the PWS feed so I can use it with my Gen2 controller.


@Les Done (link), be on the lookout for PWS_Wx27175

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Thanks Gene. I appreciate your help and fast response.


Hi quick question, how long does it take for a PWS to appear in the Rachio App. I’m watching for WX27175.

Usually a few hours for Gen 2, be sure to try via webapp here (link) to change to your station.

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Still looking for WX27175. Ive tried the Web App nothing there

Be sure to enable personal weather stations. Also, how close is your Rachio location set to the station you are trying to use?