Two Questinos:
(1) Why does a schedule not run all zones in it? Is there a setting that I am missing? Or is it possible that a specific zone within a schedule is somehow being pre-empted by weather / soil / water level / other options?
(2) When a scheduled run occurs, can we see which zones were run and which were skipped during that scheduled run? Best I can tell the way to deduce this is to go to each zone individually and check their run history. I cannot seem to easily get that same status for all zones within a specific scheduled run instance.
Situation is this:
My schedule “whole yard” runs roughly weekly. I have three zones that are often not included in the run and I then have to run them manually. I cannot figure out what the magic is and I cannot figure out how to easily determine if I got the watering that I needed.
Thank you in advance.
Hit the gear icon in the upper right corner, there you will find all history of runs, skips, etc for all zones.
What type of schedules are you running? If you are on Flex Daily, it is common for all zones NOT to run as they may have different needs based on zone settings.
Thank you for this information.
(a) I do see the gear and the history it provides access to. It seems to be really close to what I am looking for. However, it does not seem to show skips and I am not sure there is an option to include those or filter them out.
(b) Yes. They are Flex Daily and I assumed that it would be based on some sort of information in combination with soil type, shade, slope, etc. I was hoping that I would be able to see a message like “Zone X was skipped at because the system is guessing that the soil is still wet” (or whatever a reasonable message would say). At the moment, I’m thinking I will just go through and recreate all of my zones with the exact same information so that they all get watered at the same time. I’m not positive this is what I want to do, but my lack of knowledge is making it a blind spot and I can’t figure out what else to do…
Thanks again!
So for Flex Daily, you won’t see skips other than for freeze or wind. The schedule is just fluid and adjusts to move watering the next day it feels the need to.
If you look at the moisture graphs of each zone, you can see a better indicator of what Rachio is looking to do. If you have concerns with that, you can post some screen shots of the graph and the table here and the community can take a look.
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Awesome information. Thank you. I’ll check that out and take you up on it if needed.
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