Yard Map & Sprinkler Head locations

I saw the post answering that the yard map helps on the water usage.
Does the addition of the sprinkler heads also make it more accurate?

No, that is just used for inventory.


I don’t believe yard map does anything for actual water usage. Assuming you have your parameters set up right, it will more accurately calculate “usage” based on yard area. The usage is still only calculated based on area and precipitation rate…

Yard map gave me a much more accurate area than the default I had before. Also went through the soil survey tutorial and got all the info in there based on that. We shall see.

I tried to use it but because the satellite image is in summer and the trees are full of leaves, I am unable to see the boundaries. I wish there was an option to show a winter satellite image.

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How do you remove sprinklers added… For example my zone 1 does not have 11 sprinklers… :slight_smile:

clear all?

@proedgebiker - Thank you, found it! Wow they could make that little more visible… frustrating

Can I ask where you found the “clear all” to remove heads on the yard map? I’ve been messing with the app for an hour… thanks so much!

More > yard map > select the zone > add a nozzle and you will see clear on the bottom right.

While it’s not within the area program, the new Google Earth has a History feature, which shows areas of the map over time. It even has a photo of the foundations on my cleared lot before the house was built! Once you get a good picture, there are other apps on the Net that can calculate areas of enclosed polygons, although you have to set up scale, etc.

The History feature has been around for a little while now. Mine even shows the trenches for the sprinklers. I am feeling quite fortunate to have that. I have created all my zones with sprinkler locations all color coded to which head I am using within Google Earth. I then saved it as a KML. It is awesome. I was able to also have Google Earth calculate the square footage of each zone as well. I do wish I could import the KML into the Rachio web app or import the Yard Map through the Rachio API (I would easily convert one to the other). Maybe one of these days.