Wifi connection issues with Gen 3e on Nighthawk X4 R7500v2

Hi -

I’ve combed through similar issues on this forum but haven’t been able to figure out how to resolve my controller’s issues connecting to my wireless network.

I ran RouteThis and my key is 8A52PACB.

My nighthawk router is in AP mode connected to ISP provided router. I’ve tried on 2g/5g and on the guest network but nothing has worked so far.


@bcampbell - is this a brand new install? What device (model specific) and OS (version specific) is being used to connect the Rachio to the Nighthawk?

Yes - brand new install using an iPhone SE (MXCW2LL/A), OS version 13.5.1.

@DLane I saw you share this in another post and it worked great with my macbook (https://support.rachio.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047277134-Issues-Connecting-to-New-Model-iPhone-iPad-and-Samsung-Phones-Tablets)


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