Looking at the Home page of the controller online, the days are not in the correct order. Is this by design? Doesn’t really make sense.
Rachio has stated they are no longer putting time and effort into the web app. This issue has been mentioned previously and won’t be fixed.
@franz as I have mentioned in other threads can you guys just deprecate the calendar on the web app, to minimize how many of these threads are being created. This has been going on for years now.
Thanks. It just seems it should have been programmed correctly when the app was built.
It was but overtime broke, and with no future efforts toward it…it will remain broke which is why I think they should just remove it. It’s like taking your dishes to the sink after dinner, don’t leave the mess behind.
This is called “Technical Debt”
If you have tamper monkey installed in your browser, I made a script that will order in the the correct order whenever you visit the site.
It falls squarely into the bottomless “will get back to this when we have time” bin of things forever forgotten, by design. In fact, never mention this issue again