I have seen several people in this forum, but only see one use that is fairly obvious what they are using it for:
- Winterizinator.com: Discussed by @schaeferb at Winterizinator is back! . . . I am not 100% positive what it does, posted it on that topic (thread), and will update the text when I know (hopefully, @schaeferb will post here too)
I am thinking of using the API to:
- Expand the functionality of Google Assistant using the API and IFTTT
- I may look into automating rotating through zones in a schedule so each zone does not run at the same time each day during the hottest time of the year
- I would like to be able to, if the API documentation is updated, take a KML of my zones and sprinklers heads that I already have created, convert it, and upload the data into Rachio
When I have completed each, I will consider posting the “recipe” so others may be able to do the same thing.