It looks like there are various PWS around my house that I can’t select for use with my Iro
What determines what can be selected?
For instance, there’s KMABELLI10 which I can access on
It looks like there are various PWS around my house that I can’t select for use with my Iro
What determines what can be selected?
For instance, there’s KMABELLI10 which I can access on
The weather station has to be part of the CWOP network to be visible. Wunderground stations are not supported.
Here is some more information on what PWS we support.
Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks!
Follow-up question - I’ve changed from the PWS C1732 to another “more official” weather station E1152…
I did this because C1732 doesn’t seem to be tracking precipitation for some reason…
I see that E1152 recorded lots of rain for me yesterday - how do I get Iro to be aware of this accumulation?
We receive data close to real-time, so it should automatically be recorded. If not let us know
OK, looks like it’s reading it now - guess it just took a little time…
I think you should support weather under ground also. They have a good API and it would not be hard. I have created an app that merged a list of weather stations from both NWS and WU (at the time most NWS stations could be gotten from weather under ground, but not all) to be selected from, and then retrieving the information can be done against both.
It has many more weather stations to choose from. What I found is that if you live close to the coast the NWS weather stations are not often right on the coast and the weather can be different just a few miles from coasts, and this is why we included Weather Underground.
@gbfromhb, this is great feedback. If you happen to have a Mac, I know there’s a work around to bridge wunderground data to PWSweather. For details, please refer to this support article. Someday we hope to support more weather station networks. Sounds like the ones currently available on PWSweather aren’t very actuate for your location?
Best, Emil