Website says Rachio 3 has these features, but where?

According to Rachio, Gen 3 has the following features:

  • Leak detection and blockage notifications
  • Low-flow leak detection with highly-accurate Vortex technology
  • Instant zone shut-off triggered by leak detection
  • Precise outdoor water usage monitoring

Where do I find them? How do I set them up?


All these features you list are supported by Rachio Gen 3 provided you also have a flow meter connected to it. The “Vortex technology” terminology applies to SOME compatible flow meters, including a wireless one previously marketed by Rachio. There are lots of other styles too. The technology of the meter isn’t important to Rachio, just the signal it sends.


Could you suggest/link to the compatible flow meters that do deliver the requested features?

Right here at Rachio, the EveryDrop flow meter is listed in their store (but out of stock):

or see the manufacturer:

They seem to be available (by searching) from other irrigation supply companies.

I’ve had a 1004-EX installed for several years. It’s cheap, as flow meters go, and Rachio 3 compatible.

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Flume 2 does not link up, correct?

If it sends the right kind of pulses at 24V, Rachio might be able to read it. They list only selected meters from Badger, CST, Everydrop, FloMec and Toro as known options. Flume is not listed.