Weather Intelligence?

With these settings:

and this amount of rain:

my system still performed a full irrigation an hour after the storm that dropped that precipitation overnight; how is that intelligent?

My system is behaving totally opposite. We’ve had no rain for 2 weeks, 90+ degrees outside and a lawn set to full sun and Rachio 3 hasn’t watered 1 time on its schedule, I’ve had to manually run it to save my sod.

I don’t understand where it gathers the soil moisture data from? It was showing my soul at 90% on one zone and 72% on another. The ground is dry and hard as a rock now.

Your forecast screen doesn’t look like a screenshot of the Rachio unit…so where is that coming from?

Do you have your Rachio pointing to a specific weather station, or are you using the WI+ feature?

Since you are quoting moisture levels, I’m assuming you set up Flex Daily schedules. For new sod, don’t use Flex Daily. Set up a fixed schedule to water your sod per the installers recommendations. Once established, switch to Flex Daily, but make sure you have your zone settings set up correctly prior to doing that.

You clearly have issues with your Advanced Settings. The system thinks that it put down far more water than it actually did.

Share a pic of your advanced settings screen

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