Weather Intelligence Settings and Forecasts

I have a two Gen 2 controllers configuration running 20 zones. I also have a Personal Weather Station (Ambient Weather) that is visible to the controllers in the Weather Intelligence settings.

Since we have “enjoyed” a rather wet to start of 2020 (about 14 inches) I have left both controllers in the Standby Mode until this week. I have Wind Skip set at 5 mph and Rain Skip set at 0.5 inch.

This week I noticed there must be a forecast component to Weather Intelligence. I received a notice about a skip because the wind was forecast to be above 6 mph and the rain forecast was to exceed 0.68 inch. With regards to the wind skip, the winds never did appear according to a history report from my PWS. The rain forecast is for the upcoming 48 hours.

Now, my basic question is should I adjust the settings in order to “guarantee” the lawn, landscape, and foundation (I live in the DFW-Texas area) are adequately irrigated every week? Due to watering restrictions in my community, the controllers are both on fixed schedules.

I was thinking maybe the Wind Skip should be 10 mph and the Rain Skip should be either 0.75 inch or 1.00 inch.

April 23, 2020 - Additional questions/observations

Not sure what was happening, one controller’s schedule was skipped due to Wind, but the other controller’s schedule was not skipped. The start times for each schedule were separated by 45 minutes. Any comments or suggestions? One earlier suggestion was just turn off wind skip.

As I mentioned earlier, we have some watering restrictions. Not only are we restricted to a specific set of days (2X per week), but we are also restricted on the time of day (Midnight to 9:00 AM). How do I designate this window on specific days.

Thanks for any suggestions or recommendations.

I disabled wind skip, but I had to. 6mph would be a VERY nice day for us. Currently blowing 20 right now and I wouldn’t even call that a windy day. So a little water gets on things once in a while, big deal really.