Weather intelligence plus has been awful for me so far. Sunday I received .30 inches and Rachio shows nothing fell. Even more crazy is yesterday I received 1.37 inches of rain and Rachio show .07. How this acceptable? To make things worse there is no way to change that data without just filling the zone. Why not have it so data can be changed. Any help would be appreciated.
@Mblumberg I’m having the engineering team review. We are seeing .76 inches interpolated precip for yesterday so having them determine discrepancy.
@Mblumberg I had the engineering team review and it looks like you did a zone fill yesterday.
If you do a fill/empty we automatically create a moisture data event for the day using the data we have at that moment which was the daily forecast of .07 inches. This feels like a defect which I will have the team review. The interpolated data is indeed reporting .76 inches which isn’t too far off of the station 1 mile away from you.
In regards to WI Plus, there are two options.
Interpolated weather data that you don’t have to worry about stations going down or not reporting precipitation which takes the burden off the homeowner of making sure they have an accurate reporting station. Interpolated data is great but won’t be exactly the measured amount that a PWS would give you near the house.
The ability to choose from over 250,000 PWS stations (Gen 1/2 has about 40,000 PWS stations). I’m also wrapping up a WI plus feature that will self “heal” a chosen station, always making sure you are using one that is online, automatically choosing the next closest station.
I usually recommend choosing a PWS station if you have one that you feel that it is reporting accurate data. A chosen station will always be more accurate (and more timely) than interpolated data.
In an upcoming release we will default to a chosen PWS station and will also have weather station “self” healing as described above. Stay tuned.
Hope this helps.