Watering while raining,why?

I have interesting issue with my Rachio, yesterday was a pretty rainy day and still Rachio run one of my zones. anyone can explain me why ?
more details :
-the iro was disconnected from the internet for few hours ( less then 24h)
-all my zones are flex( Front Garden run only on odd days, yesterday was Saturday )
-its was fix running ?

I hope i am clear :slight_smile:


Are you connected to a weather station? How close?

Do you have an onsite rain sensor?

Maybe the internet disconnect caused that loss of communication with the weather station?

Are you using Weather Intelligence?

yes (4 km), I don’t have rain sensor , the internet disconnect for few hours but iro was not supposed to run yesterday( only at the begging of march) .
and yes I am using Weather Intelligence.
Thanks :slight_smile:

I have a more interesting problem in that we have some planters as well as some plants that are on a zone that is under a patio cover. As a result they dont get rain water but they do get evaporative effects especially in the summer. So I want the schedule auto adjusted but I don’t want it skipped when it rains.

I also wished there was a zone selection option to say this zone is container oriented which probably means short regular waterings as compared to deep waterings for ground based plants.

Weather Intelligence is not available when running Flex Daily (fully automatic).

Best regards,


The “Ran Fixed” seems very odd.

The rain could possibly be explained by actual vs. forecast. The forecast may have been for less rain when the IRO ran its check to see if it should run. So it went ahead and watered. And then the actual rain may have been a larger amount. I’ve seen this happen more than once.

For fully automatic schedules (Flex Daily) this easily happens, although not frequently.

One hour before scheduled start time the Iro2 checks the forecast. If forecasted rain is not enough to keep the zone above the dry threshold then the schedule will be ‘scheduled’ to start the next hour.

Meanwhile, the forecast can end up being wrong such that a lot more rain comes than expected. Enough so that with hindsight the schedule run wasn’t needed. It happens.

Hi and thank you for your reply,
as you said Weather Intelligence not set this zone (flex),
this was fixed run as you can see in the pics, iro have not plan to run on this day (the time for running is 5am and its run on 12pm).
I want avoid this issue happen again.