Updating router: Eero 6+ and Rachio

Rachio Model 8ZULWC – I’ve had it connected before, but changed routers to an Eero 6+. I kept the network uid & pw the same.

I put an Eero in the garage, so strong signal. Turned off phone VPN and began following procedures using my Galaxy S21. All seemed to go well until I got to the “Adding” part and there it stuck. I keep getting msgs to try again, but am getting nowhere.

I’d sure appreciate some advice on how to proceed.

Is it possible for you to make the SSID of your new Eero match your old setup? Any time I’ve changed hardware, that’s what I’ve done, and all my devices automatically connect without intervention.

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I used the same SSID and PW for the new Eero.

SOLUTION: On the Android phone:

  1. Turn VPN off;
  2. On the Eero app: Settings=>Troubleshooting=>My Device Won’t Connect=> My Device is 2.4GHz Only=>Temporarily Pause 5GHz.
  3. On Rachio app, enter the new ssid & pw.

That was going to be my next question. If you are on anything older than G3 controller, they only supported 2.4ghz band, and most new mesh systems use the same SSID for both bands, and some, for whatever reason, don’t do well to hand off one or the other depending on the needs of the device.

I have turned on my guest ID and put my Rachio on that band. The guest band is 2.4 and have basically turned that into my IOT band. Try turning yours on and we configuring your box to that band. I think that will help.


I didn’t know Guest was only 2.4 !! Thanks for that tip.

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