Unable to force zone to water daily


Hi John!

Mitch here with Rachio Support. I reviewed your account and current schedules and noted that you’re utilizing Weather Intelligence for a few of your schedules that are occurring prior to your Veg Garden AM schedule.

If you check your Schedule Updates section, you’ll find that your fixed schedules with Weather Intelligence enabled are being skipped due to weather and soil conditions. Weather Intelligence skips take affect globally, so if you have a schedule set to check for Weather Intelligence and it determines it needs to skip, it will skip for all your schedules, even those that don’t utilize Weather Intelligence.

I can understand how it might be misleading that the Schedule Updates are not clearly indicating the Weather Intelligence skips are happening globally and affecting all schedules, even those that do not have the option enabled. This is something we can look into improving for the future.

In the meantime, in order to resolve the issue you’re experiencing I recommend that you set your ‘Veg Garden AM’ schedule to occur at 6:00 am. This is because the Weather Intelligence is checking for a skip 1hr before the first schedule it’s enabled for, which is ‘Perennial Gardens, North and West’ at 7:00 am.

I hope this provides some clarity into your experience. If you need any further assistance please don’t hesitate to reach out!



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