Time zone difference shifts calendar by a day

My Rachio controllers run fixed schedules, with watering on Monday and Thursday. The controllers are in time zone PDT (-7). I am currently traveling in time zone MDT (-6), a one-hour time zone change.

The Rachio app (iOS) calendar is now showing watering on Sunday and Wednesday. If I manually set my iPhone’s time zone to PDT, then the app shows the calendar correctly. See screen shots below.

The schedule itself shows the correct days and start time, and the history shows correct date and time (with times given in the controller’s zone, PDT). All that is wrong is the calendar (as well as the calendar excerpt that shows on the home page).

I have previously read reports of the calendar being off because of a time zone difference that causes a scheduled start time to move across midnight. However, my scheduled start time is 8:30 pm and the time difference is only one hour, so something else is going on here. Probably just a bug.

We’ve got a version waiting in review that fixes this. Should be out shortly. This was a regression in a change to better support time zones. I saw this happen a lot when there’s a time zone difference from phone and Rachio where day light savings is in one location, but not the other. If the update isn’t out today, it should be out tomorrow.