Tempest Limits Over What Period of Time


Just installed my Tempest weather station in conjunction with my Rachio Generator 2 controller. There is a limits section for amount of rainfall detected, e.g. 1/16”, 1/8” etc. I am assuming once this amount of rainfall is detected, watering is shut off. How long does this rainfall detect condition last: 1 hr, 12 hr, 24 hr, 48 hr. I cannot find this anywhere.

I live the Phoenix metropolitan area. Let’s say I have rainfall detected at 1/16”. If I get 1/16" rain on day 1, I don’t want to irrigate then next day even if that day is scheduled. The desert plants already have enough water. If fact, I might not want to irrigate for several days after the rain event.

Is there any way adjust how long the rain detected condition lasts?


This should help explain how rain skips work and answer the questions you had on rainfall detection.

No, we currently just skip the next upcoming schedule.

Just let us know if you have any other questions!
