I have installed two Rachios in the past with no problem but they didn’t link to a pump. This time I am trying to replace a Rainbird controller (with a 220v 1 HP pump and Hydrotek 1000 pump start relay) with a Rachio 3. I kept getting the wiring issue error and searched the forum.
I found the instructions from DLane to use a SPST and 24v transformer. I bought the ones he suggested from Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N7AHEVT?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) but I am getting a repeated clicking (I think at the pump start relay) about every second or so when I try to run a zone.
I have the Rachio M & C wires connected to the coil leads (#1 & 3) and one wire for the Pump Start Relay is connected to the 24v transformer. The other pump start relay wire is connected to the SPST. The second wire for the 24v transformer is connected to the SPST. I must have something wired wrong?
Can someone please lead me to a working solution before my lawn dries up? I don’t want to have to reinstall the Rainbird. I can attach photos if needed, but nearly all the wires are white so it is difficult to follow from the photo.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
the control pins of the single pole single throw (1 and 3) should connect to M and C of Rachio. The other two (2 and 4) pins need to be inline with the pump start relay and the transformer - what power does the pump start relay need to operate? 24VAC? Pump model?
Thank you for trying to help me. Per the drawing from DLane, the M and C link to the coil connections on the SPST. That is correct, right? the pump start relay is a Hydrotek 1000. How can I tell how much power that needs? The pump model is unknown. It is buried and we have been told you can’t bury them anymore. I know the pump is a 220v 1 HP pump because there is a shut off for it. Please ask more questions. I really appreciate you trying to help!
I apologize for not responding more quickly. My husband just had rotator cuff repair surgery and he needed assistance; then I forgot to come back to you.
The Hydrotek 1000 is only a pump start relay. The controller was a Rainbird ESP-M. Here is a link to its manual, but I didn’t see anything in it that would help. Rain Bird ESP-Modular User Manual
But I used the M and C wires from the Rainbird to wire the Rachio (and then the SPST) and those came out of the Hydrotek so I don’t think the CentriPro matters?
I have sketched a schematic. I am no artist, and it’s not to scale but hopefully it helps. I will upload it from my phone.
Divided it into low and high power sides. Without touching wires, can you confirm this is what you have? Rachio is plugged into N and L1 via the power block, not shown. The 24V transformer you just purchased is also plugged into N and L1 (110V). Voltage across L1 and L2 is 220-240V.
Let’s start with basica, if you unplug the new transformer and disconnect either pin 2 or 4 from the SPST, then turn a zone on for say 3 minutes, you should hear a single click from the SPST when it starts and a single click again when it stops. Is that what is happening?
Also, what did you setup Advanced Wiring (M Terminal) to in the Rachio controller’s settings?
Good morning. Excellent drawing for just waking up!
Thank you for the good wishes for my hubby. It’s going to be a very long recovery.
So - Yes, what you show for the low power is what I have and I believe what you show for the high power is what I have. The high power was working fine before Rachio - and I have changed nothing there. I have the M terminal set to Well or Pump Start Relay.
So what do you get when turning a zone on? Unplug the transformer so we isolate things, you have a SPST and a DPST (that Hydrotek 1000 is internally a GE double pole single throw relay).
One click for start and one click for end? Or many, many clicks?
well yeah, it is expected to not work, you are not triggering the hydrotek relay. Wire it back up, is the hydrotek the one doing the many clicks? or the pump controller? do not touch wires, those two work on higher voltage that is dangerous.
if you cannot determine where the sound is coming from (components too close to each other), you can use a funnel to figure it out, much like a stethoscope- watch your ears though. Top of the funnel against the device, listen through the funnel neck but don’t stick it in your ear, it may be loud. Another way is with touch, but given the high voltage, am skeptical of asking you to touch things in there.
I think I know why. According to this https://www.radwell.com/en-US/Buy/GENERAL%20ELECTRIC/GENERAL%20ELECTRIC/CR353AD2BH1 the coil is 110V, not 24V. Let’s inspect ye old controller, was the hydrotek plugged right up into the COM and M/V ports? I am looking for other sources to confirm that DPST relay is 110V driven, not 24VAC. I believe the enclosure may take 24V and drive the relay.
I believe that web page is wrong, others say min voltage is 24V. It looks like either that is now broken, or has a higher energy requirement to keep the coil and switch engaged, and the transformer is not providing it, voltage drops and relay disengages, then repeat. You don’t happen to have a voltmeter, do you?