So this is my first Rachio product. I just got it today and put batteries in the Valve, plugged in the Hub and added the valve to the hub and account. So all was good.
I went out to the garden to install the Smart Hose Timer and from there was able to turn it on manually no issue. However I could not get it to run when using the app to start it manually. I thought ok maybe I am to far away from the hub. But when I am in valve settings it says connected for connection status and for battery health good. So that tells me it is connected to the hub, right?
For arguments sakes I moved the hub to a window with direct line of sight to the valve which is about 100-125’ away. Still nothing and still says it is connected in valve settings.
When I try to run it from the app just to test it by clicking the valve picture and then putting in time and hitting run it brings up the timer at the bottom and blue circle spins and then it all disappears. But nothing shows up in past events. So I am not sure what the issue is.
Hoping I am just doing a noob thing and it is simple but I am at a loss so figured I would check and ask here for any suggestions.
Hmm…I haven’t heard of this issue, the team verified the hub and valve look correctly setup.
Can you turn off the “Detect Flow” setting and try again?
If that doesn’t help, I will get you connected to the support team and they can troubleshoot and if for some reason the valve is defective we can get you a replacement right away.
Do your windows have low-e or similar to prevent sun heat from coming in? if so, they contain a silver film that is a pretty tough barrier for any wireless communication. If you put the batteries into the valve while inside the house, it might be that the “connected” refers to that time, and the valve has lost all comms when installed - it is fairly far away for indoor-outdoor comms IF you have special window treatment.
I would suggest bringing the valve back in and see if the app can control it there, then move farther and farther away to its final location and see where it stops?
@franz and @ady624 thanks for your replies I really do appreciate it.
So @franz I was about to go outside and check on the valve LEDs when I pressed the manual button but decided to check the app to see if the scheduled I put it did anything. To my surprise it said the program was running and showed the timer and what was left. However it still indicated “No Flow Detected”. I went outside to the garden to check to see what was really happening, and the drip line was on and water was being fed through the Smart Hose Timer.
I just check the past events and there are 2 new entries for Friday June 14th, a quick run at 0129am no idea what that is since I was in bed and did not do anything in the app and then the 0400am scheduled run that I had setup earlier before I noticed the valve was not repsonding to my manual actions through the app.
So not sure, me trying to manually set it to run in the app still not working it looks like. And no flow is being detected even though there is water running through it.
@ady624 No there is not really a film on the windows at all and that would have been a good point and would have tried what you said. But looks like it actually ran the scheduled program so I think the hub is ok transmitting out the window.
@blackops I will have the customer support team ship a new unit to you today.
If you private message me your address I’ll have them expedite a new kit today. I have not seen this issue yet. Just click on my name to private message me. @franz
If you can also do one last check,when you press the manual button, and water comes out, what color does the LED light flash/show?