Smart Hose Hub Firmware Upgrade Keeps Failing

Can you power cycle the hub and try again? The team found possibly a stuck OTA job for your hub from a few days ago.


Or I can have the team send an OTA from our side.

I reached out to you through PM.

I reached out to you through PM.

How do a get the the area for Private Messages? I don’t see that option anywhere on my screen. I am on an iPhone.

No worries, I just said that my team found a possible stuck firmware job on your hub. We can try and send new firmware if you’d like, or you can try again. I would power cycle the hub if possible first.

Good news! That seemed to work. Now my hub is updated and I also update the valve. Thanks for your help!

Ok great, thank you for your patience. Just let us know if you have any other issues. Welcome to the community!


I reset the hub,waited to reconnect and then attempted the update… received the “update failed” message. I tried a second time with the same results.

Since there a multiple responses with the same problem, have you identified the issue? Can I wait for a fix? or does this need to be fixed on a case by case?

What are the security risks for your team to send the update via OTA?

We have identified a few hubs with this issue, it could be a race condition in the firmware update. The team is trying to identify, but for now this is a workaround.

There are no security risks, it is identical to your phone requesting.

Would you like me to have the team try on our side?

If this only impacts some of the hubs will all future updates fail and therefore it would be best to replace the effected hubs?

Yes, please attempt the OTA update.

I dont believe its the physical hardware, just a random occurrence through the software.

Your hub for whatever reason is stubborn, I’ll PM you to work on another attempt.

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I have noticed that when the Smart Calve closes, I hear a big bang on our pipes. The valve seems to have a fast and hard close. Is there a fix for this?

Same issue for me. Keeps failing. Persistent across app restarts and even reset the hub once, too.

Thank you for reporting @mitchmitc. I will followup with a PM.

Hi! The same Issue withe update here. Any solution?

The update issue or water hammer? If the former, did you try power cycling?

I will have the engineering review your hub status.

I had the team send an update and everything looks good to go. Odd that it wasn’t working on your side, they effectively are doing the same thing. Oh well, you are good to go.

I have the same failure. How do I get this fixed? Super annoying. I know I can ignore it, but it continually pops up.

I have tried repeatedly to update the firmware. I’ve moved my hub to many different locations thinking proximity was the issue. Nope.