Siri command syntax peculiarity

Ref. the screenshot below. When I issue the command, “Hey Siri, run the zone 4 sprinkler for 5 minutes”, it works perfectly. Same behavior whether the zone is named just “Zone 4” or “4: backyard by pond”. I then tried it without the word “THE” in front of “zone” and it ran a strange schedule of random zones (not one of my defined schedules). I don’t think I imagined this. Any thoughts? Where can I find the HomeKit (Siri) command list anyway? Thanks.

I tried a few of the commands suggested in this article, and the one that worked for me consistently is the well mannered one: Please water “Zone 4” for 5 minutes

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Thanks for the info and link to the article. Will experiment some more tomorrow. Still find it odd that a random SCHEDULE would have started in my 3rd example above! From the article you linked, " HomeKit does not allow you to Quick Run a schedule. HomeKit does not currently support Automation or Scenes for the Irrigation profile." Yet, HomeKit ran a schedule in this case. Thoughts from someone at Rachio? Will see if repeatable tomorrow.

p.s. your “well mannered” command seems to work just fine. :wink:

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Wow, I guess it never hurts to say “please”, even to a robot. I had trouble with Google Home Assistant; “OK Google, water front west” would be heard as “What are front west?” so the command would fail. I had settled on “Start watering front west”, which works fairly well. But after seeing your post, I tried “Please water front west” and it works reliably. Thanks for the suggestion.

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