Setting up extra run

How do I schedule a normal run of all zones outside of the regular schedule? This is not a quick 2-3 minute run I have an Rachio 3
Thanks for advice

Just like you’d do the quick run, you can select an entire schedule to run. Towards the top, you will see “Zones” and “Schedules”. Just select schedules and it will let you chose which one you want to run.

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Thanks for your quick reply
And I see that “quick run” feature
But basically I want to know if I can schedule a “quick run “ for more than 1 zone. Or must I wait till each “quick run “ is done & schedule the next zone
Thank you


Sure. Like I said, you can have the whole schedule run, or you can select as many zones as you want on the first page of the quick run, then it will allow you to change the time for each of the selected zones individually.