Self Drain (no impact to watering volume)

I have a self draining system; I do not need to blow out my lines at the end of the season. However, I need to shut off my main sprinkler line and then run my system.

It would be great to have a manual run option or a setting I can run that when I am draining my lines, it does not impact my soil moisture.

During the winter months, when I’m turning the system on and off, I run the lines and it always throws my calculations off, I would love the ability to run with out it impacting my moisture levels.


If you’re not watering what does it matter what the soil moisture levels are?

It’s a valid question, however, during the winter I keep an eye on my moisture levels throughout the winter. This year was really dry, so on warmer winter days, I run the system. I find keeping my plants and grass watered throughout the winter, makes for a quicker turnaround in the spring.