Reset "Usage Details" Manually

Hello all… I was wondering if anyone would find the ability to manually reset the usage details helpful? We are currently on water restrictions and get a surcharge if we use over 20,000 gallons a month. I have my Rachio 3 currently set to show me estimated gallons used. The problem is it displays the data in monthly intervals. My water meter is not read on the 1st of each month, so it becomes kind of a guessing game as to whether I’m within my 20K limit. If I could manually reset my estimated gallons used manually, I feel I would have better control and better data to base my irrigation usage on. Would anyone else find this useful as well?

Boy, unless you have your irrigation settings dialed in to the gnats you know what, it is just that, an estimate. Is your meter only supplying water for irrigation, or is that a potable and irrigation limit?

One meter for both household use as well as irrigation. Total for both can’t exceed 20K gallons without a “water waster fee” for anything over that. I do understand the rachio only provides “estimated” gallons used but it’s close enough to keep me in the ball park. When my meter is read on, lets say the 20th of the month, it would be nice to reset the gallons used at that time so I have a better estimated usage on what my irrigation is adding in monthly usage. I would think others could find it beneficial if they are under any kind of “restrictions” too. Maybe I’m just asking for too much?

Maybe…and I don’t think it is asking too much. There are a lot of programmer that pop their heads in on the pages and claim that something like this should be an easy coding thing. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. I don’t know how to code, and I surely don’t know the backend of Rachio’s software…only guys like @franz can answer that.

But, being that you can do something similiar with moisture level of a zone (when using Flex Daily schedules), it seems like it could be done.

Thanks for the follow up… I did contact Rachio support via on line and they, of course, told me this was not something currently available and pointed me to this community. The person said programmers pop in from time to time here and it would be the best way to bring it to their attention? Anyway, that’s the reason I am trying to get this some exposure.

Well this issue is now a moot point. Our city installed/upgraded to digital “WiFi” meters in our neighborhood and most of the city. I can see water usage now via their app. It displays hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and what I needed which is water usage “since last bill”.

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