Rain Stats with WI+ vs PWS and Schedule Update

I recently purchased a rain gauge to more accurately determine the amount of water my yard is receiving in any given storm. We received our first rain this morning and I’m showing 0.75". I went out to WI+ and looked at what it was showing I received and it shows 2.67". Needless to say, that is WAY off. I have two PWS within .29 miles of my house. Each of them read .72 and .83 respectively. I chose the one with .72.

I see that the soil moisture setting is real-time and has updated accordingly, but the watering schedule has not. Does the schedule only update at midnight and 1 hour prior to the first zone running in a schedule?

Also, I was looking through some more of the rain stats and I see maybe where that 2.67" is coming from. One of the PWS reported a 2.46" precip. rate. Could the WI+ be reporting the preceip rate instead of the precip. accum. total in error? 2.46" vs .72" is quite a bit of a difference!

Give it some time. There is a small app update bug that will cause moisture levels and/or schedules not to instantly update in the app. Many times, closing out of the app (completely, from the app tray) and getting back into the app can force an update.