Rain skip logic and control

I am getting rain skips in schedule which is great. Problem is it does not rain as scheduled and still does not water. Lawn trying up without manual intervention here in CO! It then says it rained .19" and does not water. That is enough to cause no watering?

The schedule should be modified not cancelled based on amount of rain. Not sure I know why or by what setting it is decided not to water as scheduled. Compelling me to turn off Rain Skip under the weather intelligence if not Climate Skip as well. Somewhat defeating the purpose of the controller in part.

What is the logic or reason? Why would it not water each zone in schedule by a increased or decreased % based on actual percipitation? That and delay based on forecast, but water within scheduled times if not.

Am I missing something in setting or recommendations? Right now I am having to manually water each zone in which my lawn in dying!

Hey @dblackco-

Rain skip is a hard skip on a schedules, and is a good feature for users with things like restrictions that say you absolutely cannot water after a certain amount of precipitation. Sounds like you may be looking for a flex schedule over the fixed schedule with weather intelligenceā€¦ Rather than skipping waterings, flex simply reschedules farther out. We are based in Denver, so I definitely understand the unpredictable weather issues!

If you are interested in flex, we need to make sure your zone settings are tuned in first, because it relies heavily on those settings! If not, another option would be to raise your rain skip threshold, so you only skip when you receive a solid amount of precipitation.

Let me know-
McKynzee :rachio:

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