Rain Sensor/Weather Intelligence Question

If my rain sensor activates the night before my schedule is to run and then drys out before my schedule runs will weather intelligence still apply and skip the watering if something has met the threshold? The reason I ask is because I read on this forum that if you manually set a skip and then clear the skip then weather intelligence will not apply even if something meets the threshold because it assumed that you want the schedule to run no matter what. Does this apply to a rain sensor that is activated and then drys out before the schedule runs?

In most installations, a rain sensor acts as a switch; as moisture-absorbing disks expand, they activate a switch that interrupts the circuit from the controller to the solenoid valves. Once the rain sensor has dried out, the switch deactivates to allow for normal operation.

From https://rachio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003078653-How-do-I-install-a-wired-sensor-or-wired-flow-meter-with-Rachio-3-

So when your sensor dries out, your schedule will continue running as normal. As for what Weather Intelligence features come into play, that’ll depend on what type of schedule(s) you’re running.

Thanks for the info

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