Rachio Usage Data Missing

How far back does Rachio keep the irrigation usage data?

I got the Rachio 3 back in December 2020.

I used to be able to see each zone and how long it ran and what days since I bought it. Recently, the records only go back to June 1st, 2021 in the calendar on the app.

Is there any way to be able to see the December 2020-May 31 2021 data?

Current Screenshots

Old screenshots

You can see January-May is missing

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One of the nodes on our elasticsearch database cluster was having issues over the weekend. The legacy data is currently being migrated back and will be available over the next day or so. We store around 12 months of event data.


Thanks for letting me know. What views only store for 12 months and what data is stored forever?

The event data is (zone irrigation) only stored for 12 months. We do not store any event data forever (except for our data wharehouse) that can be accessed through the app.
