Rachio says schedule will not be skipped but not running

I’m having an issue where my Rachio says schedule not skipped for rain but the schedule is not running. Manual run works fine as I tested it when I turned on my system for the year but none of the scheduled runs have worked so far. I’m not sure why it would say it won’t be skipped yet it still has not run them.

I’m having exactly the same issue. I’ve checked every parameter there is and it’s all accurate. If I start the scheduled session manually it works just fine, but the scheduled sessions do not start. I turned off everything that could possibly trigger a block. There are no error messages, it just doesn’t run. Kind of useless of the schedules do not work.

I wish I had a solution. I had a V3 that they offered at a discount to upgrade and I installed that and it worked fine again. Hopefully someone messages with a fix.

I have the same issue where the schedule does not run but I can run it manually.

Starting to look like scheduling is simply no longer going to work on the generation of hardware I have. And since the HomeKit support has been deprioritized, if I need to replace the hardware, I can now look at pretty much everything on the market to replace the Rachio.