Rachio 3 works manually but not with app

I installed my Rachio 3 over the winter and i was able to preform a 3 minute quickrun per zone. According to my phone, the last time a ran it was May 3rd. I never did set up a schedule, i was just running manually until the heat of the summer. Yesterday, i tried to run a 3 minute quick run and the app will not tuen on the zone i selected, no zones are working. The controller is active per the app. I did reset the wifi on the box and re start both the controller and my phone. The controller will run reach zone for 3 minutes if i manually click on the control wheel on the unit. Any ideas?

I haven’t been able to get Quick Run to work using the Rachio iPhone app for almost two weeks. It worked before that. I have a support ticket with Rachio, no word yet when they’ll have a fix.

i was finally able to get mine working. No one at Rachio can explain why it stopped and started working again. I unstalled the app 3 times, restarted my home wifi, went off wifi, and nothing worked. I was able to control it from online, I am not sure if you know that is an option or not. About 1.5 week later, the app started working again.

  1. There have been two iPhone app updates since the problems began and following the second update Quick Run is now working using the iPhone app.

  2. Yes, I know about using the web app to do a quick run…I had been using it while waiting for the iPhone app to get fixed. It was part of the troubleshooting process I went through with Rachio tech support.