Rachio 3 weather intelligence plus

What actual sources does the Rachio 3 use for this? Just purchased one after having the 2nd gen and I don’t have any accurate pws near me … I saw it says flight data and radar and other things but what is the actual sources?

Does anyone notice it being more accurate as far as precipitation goes … upgrading from gen 2 to gen 3

WI Plus works off of interpolated weather data. If you have a station close by that is accurate I typically recommend using that since it will always be more timely and better data. If not, WI Plus should be a good fall back.


@franz: What data is used from a specific station other than precipitation data? I found one that is close to my house, but the wind speed and temperatures seems off, so not sure if it is a good choice. Is ET or wind skip dependent on a personal weather station?