I have a rachio 3 and it stoped working. I opened it up and nothing looks fried. But this gets really hot when plugged in.
Why do i feel my transformer is causing an issue.
I have a rachio 3 and it stoped working. I opened it up and nothing looks fried. But this gets really hot when plugged in.
Ok just a fyi all three gets hot the large rectangle (i think is the resettable fuse) and the 2 smaller ones beside it. I did a test on the power supply and it was slightly high. Should be 24 to 30 correct.
If it runs hot, why risk it? It has to be 100% trustworthy if you’re away for a long period of time, right? If DOA then return for warranty. I suppose you could buy another 3 to check if it’s the power supply. I would throw this one in the bin and move on if no warranty.
I had a similar issue with Rachio 3 stopped working.
After talking with tech support and narrowing everything down to the transformer, I replaced it and everything came back.
The replacement transformer from Rachio was going be 10 days shipping and it was during heat of July and watering 16 zones of new sod manually was not an option. I found one on Amazon and once I plugged it in all was back to normal and scheduled watering was back. When the new Rachio plug arrived I tried it and all was still good. Now I have a spare in the drawer.