Rachio 3 disappeared from account

I noticed yesterday that my Rachio 3 controller had disappeared from my account. It had been operational for several years, but my account now showed no controller. I checked both on my phone and on the web, but no joy.

I couldn’t find anything about this in the community forum, so I tried to set up the controller again today. Once I got it connected again, it showed up as a brand new controller with none of the settings or photos that I had set over the years for my 5 zones. All my log history has also been lost.

This is both scary and frustrating. Scary because I presume that the controller has not been watering since this happened (whenever that was) and I live in Tucson where the highs are now in the low hundreds. And frustrating because now I have to figure out what my settings were and set everything up again.

Has anyone heard of this happening? And is there any way I can recover my log history? Would Rachio have a copy of it?


Contact customer service. The only time I can recall a situation of a “missing” controller was when someone logged into a wrong account, and not one tied to their controller. But if this was your case, trying to set it back up should have returned a notice that the serial number was already used…

@franz @dane any ideas here?

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The only way this can happen is if someone deleted from your account.

If you PM me your email address that you use to login I can have the customer success team do some research.


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Thanks @franz

My email address is dmcritchie45@gmail.com

I would much appreciate your having your team look into what happened here. I’m a little concerned that if we don’t understand it, that it could happen again.

And in this case, the Rachio 3 appeared to be in a factory reset state, with no memory of previous settings or log history. So it was not watering my property at all, and this quickly becomes a big problem in Tucson’s 102 degree temperature.


It looks like you deleted the Rachio property on May 23.

That is your account ID. Do you remember doing that?

2024-05-23 15:24:11,668 [Requester=xxxxxxxxx4fb4-b59e-f307afa40e69, readOnly=false, RequestId=6cff0b3f-4d8d-400e-ac54-747722da060e] DEBUG ServerTraceInterceptor ##H=cv=v4 Android 4.17.1, M=DeleteProperty, Req=id: “xxxxxxxxxx-8f43-45ef-b607-5e7d2001c5f7”##

Thanks for the quick reply, @franz.

No, I don’t see how I could have done that since it would require my clicking on Edit Home, and then on Delete Home. And I’m guessing it would then have required confirmation of this action.

But I’ve never clicked on either of these links, and I don’t believe I could have forgotten doing so.

The only thing unusual that happened on 5/23 is that I switched phones and moved my SIM card to the new phone, possibly on that date.

I had transferred all my apps from the old phone to the new on an earlier date, but did not switch the SIM card until around the 23rd.

But moving to the new phone meant that I was no longer logged in to my various apps, and it’s when I logged in to the Rachio app a few days ago that I noticed the deletion.

Could the phone switch have caused this?

Odd, as far as I know that is the only way to perform this type of deletion. Yes, it does require a confirmation.

Do you know if anyone else has access to this account?

I don’t believe so.


Thanks again, @franz.

No, no one else has access to my account. This is very strange then.

So last question: is there a repository that you or your team has access to that has my most recent zone settings (prior to controller deletion) stored? I use advanced settings and did not have a copy of the most recent settings applied to my 5 zones. So if it were possible to get a copy of those settings, that would make me whole.


Happened to me in same time frame. Do you have more than 1 controller or device type such as a controller and hose end timer? In my case what happened is I updated the app then next time I opened the app it asked for my address which I typed in. In so doing I inadvertently set up 2 locations even though all at same address. The second same address was assigned to the controller I had last used but when I open the app it defaults to the controller assigned to original address causing the new controller to apparently disappear because it was assigned the duplicate address! Anyway, when you open the app click on the down arrow next to the “home” button in upper left corner and see if the missing controller is hiding in there.

I DMed you this information. Note it is in metric! :slight_smile:


Perfect! Thank you @franz!

Metric not a problem. I now have everything I need.

Happy camper again. :grinning:

:cheers: :clap: !

After seeing this, I put all of my data in a spreadsheet.