I sent you my Acurite MAC address to
Thanks, Jeff
I have similar problem - but I’m user from Europe.
For several years my gen2 worked well with this PWS:
but it stopped to work from some reason.
I can’t find my PWS on Rachio map.
Is there any posibility to fix it?
my pws is also not showing
How long have you had your station running?
I have just installed a PWS at my home . I have a Gen2 rachio. My new PWS data can be seen at ambient weather and wunderground. Yet, I do not see the PWS at rachio. Do I just wait the week I have read about above… ? Do I need to do something further? What is my next step?
Thank you for your time and consideration…
Gen 2 controller does not support Ambient weather or Wunderground as a source. You’ll need to upload your data to pwsweather or CWOP to use with your controller.
I can help setup data transfer from where you have it (AW or WU) to where you need (PWS). Simply PM me (link) your WU station ID, and let me know if you want me to generate a random pwsweather station for you under my account, or if you prefer to register for pwsweather account yourself & create a custom station for yourself. Pwsweather station name does not have to match WU / AW.