Product Suggestion: Add events to Rachio calendar

Specifically, I would like to prevent watering on specific dates in the future (vs the current Watering Delay feature that starts the delay at the moment you turn it on for the number of days you select).

More generally, being able to trigger other types of events on specific, future dates (e.g., start/force any predefined schedule to run [even flex daily schedules] or prevent watering [already mentioned]) would be very helpful.

If this is possible, I would request one-time events as well as recurring events pinned to specific date(s).

Situations when preventing watering would be helpful: We are having a family reunion on a particular day and flexdaily might water that day. The lawn fertilizing company is coming to fertilize and cannot have a wet lawn. I need to mow on a particular day(s) and do not want the lawn to be wet.

It is painful to have to have a reminder in my to do list (almost everyday) to check the weather and my Rachio schedule to see if I need to add a Watering Delay at that moment. I would rather simply add an event to my Rachio controller and then be able to forget about it.

Thank you for considering such a feature.

I agree with your requests, but rather than having to check the weather or your settings, why not just put the Rachio in Standby Mode on the day of an event? Not ideal, but less things to think of…