I ran into an interesting problem today trying to set the address of my controller. I was on my iPhone 8 using the Rachio app. I noticed my address was my next-door neighbor’s address. I live on a street named “Green Meadow Dr.” The street signs show it as “Greenmeadow Dr”. We believe the signs are wrong and everyone on our street uses “Green Meadow Dr”. Anyway… I tried to change the address and it wouldn’t let me manually add it using the IOS app. It forced me to use Greenmeadow. I decided to use the web version and was able to change it. Just thought I would throw that out there incase anyone else is having these types of issues.
The app will use iOS’s geocoding to look up an address as you’re typing it to try and help fill the address automatically. This uses iOS Maps for the lookup. If you want more fine grained control, you can start typing just the house number (for instance just type “12”) and tap the drop down when it doesn’t show a full address and it’ll take you to a full address entry where it doesn’t use Maps to find an address.