Hi guys. I bought the Rachio Gen3 with the included wireless flow meter. I live in IL. The Rachio3 works great – the flow meter – argh – frustration. I spoke with two licensed plumbers in the area. Both stated they wouldn’t install the flow meter because of the shark bite fittings. Both said they didn’t want to be held liable since both stated they wouldn’t install the device using these style of fittings. They both told me they would show me how I could do it, and between them and the videos on the website, I can’t say it appears to be that difficult. I’m struggling however with the decision to go ahead to cut my 1" copper pipe given the information about not recommending theses fittings. Both stated they had installed a competitor product made by Hunter and their flow meter had threaded fittings on each end. Is there any other options for the installation of than using the Sharkbite fittings or should I just return the product. Thanks for any advice.
Hey @kevdog!
Welcome to the Rachio Family and Community Awesome question!
While the fittings can be a little unusual to some irrigation pros, our team did a TON of research on what fittings would work best with the Flow Meter as to not ruin the product or mess with the flow. What we recommend on support.rachio.com and within the printed installation instructions with the packaging is necessary for the Wireless Flow Meter.
Unfortunately, we do not recommend any other installation type - especially glue (don’t use glue) - that will void the warranty.
Have you checked for any Certified Rachio Pros in your area who can do the installation?
Perhaps I should at this point return the unit. I’m only saying this because there aren’t any Certified Rachio Pros anywhere that I could locate through the website in the state of IL. I’m not totally aware of all the research your company did for your Flow Meter but I’m sure it was a lot. I don’t have a problem with the flow meter per se, just the potential problem with sharkbite fittings in terms of the potential breakdown of the rubber O-ring and potential for leakage. I suppose this wouldn’t be such an issue if the unit was outside however my installation would be in a basement that could later be behind a wall where it would really be difficult to see if there were a leak were to develop.
Thanks for your help. The Rachio3 is really great. I’ll contact sales to see where I can return the unit for the flow meter.