Only runs on one zone

I have a rachio gen2 8 zone system. I have it automatically scheduled. Last night it ran for 183 Minutes on just one zone.

Pictures are attached. Did anyone else ever experience this? What is the fix?


When I started with one zone with flex daily that zone ran for 240 minutes including cycle and soak and I try it for a month now I rolled the setting to two more of my zones the minutes change now each zone runs for 53 minutes per zone. so the 183 minutes sounds a lot but it’s actually less because it’s cycle and soak.

Try it for a few weeks and if it works for you apply it to rest and leave the others zones on a fixed schedule.

@xcisco - Rachio isn’t actually watering when it is soaking, it is keeping track of the time. So take out all the soaking time for the actual watering time.

Here’s more information on cycle and soaking (expand all the twisties) ->

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Thank you for the info! That makes more sense now.

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Thanks. I did not realize soak was a delay and not a watering cycle.

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