No water from sprinkler

I have a Rachio 3 controller that is 10 months old. It acts like it is running, but no water comes out. It worked last week but quit working yesterday. No digging has been done, no rain sensor involved, just no water. Won’t work from phone or manually at controller. I toggled the MT wiring setting to no avail. Don’t know how to do the individual sprinkler valves- can y’all recommend a YouTube video on it? Thanks for any help.

Which valves do you have?

NDS valves.

I did not find that valve. This should help: How To Turn On Sprinkler System Manually — Sprinkler Supply Store

Thanks for your help - I’ll try that.

Do you have separate irrigation water? Could it have been shut off? Do you have a filter for your system?

I do have a separate valve for the sprinkler system, but it is not shut off.

I can’t start any zones by turning the solenoid manually; I checked the sprinkler valves and they are all on in the inline position of the piping.

FYI - I discovered that the master valve on my RainBird system must have gone out. This video on YouTube led to that discovery: My Sprinkler System Won't Turn On - YouTube.

Oh, I was going to ask if you had a master valve, but did not. Sorry. Is that master valve an electronic one hooked into Rachio or a manual one? You can double check on an electronic one by manually turning on that valve and then telling Rachio to run a zone.

It’s an electronic master valve that connects to the Rachio controller.