New runs don't operate from Rachio control panel

Installed 4 new runs that only operate manually from the yard control box but not from the WIFI connected Rachio controller.

Are you saying your other (old) zones are working, but the new ones are not when operated from Rachio (app or face of the controller)? You can only turn them one by turning the bleeder valve on the actual valve? If all yes, I would probably check the connections, etc. especially the common if all four are in the same box with the same new wire.

Actually, with both control panels connected to WIFI, none of the runs could be activated from our phones or manually at the control panels.

I can only run water by manually turning on each valve.

@DonCreech - here are some questions to help us figure out the issue:

  1. Is there a rain sensor that is wired into the common wire?

  2. Can you check the resistivity down the common line and one of the zone lines - when disconnected from Rachio and report the value?

  3. Can you post a picture of the Rachio wiring?

  4. I’m assuming there is not a master valve in the setup as the system runs when manually opened.