Nest thermostat integration was it removed from the integrations portion of the first web screen?
Hi @JNotar
Here’s what I’m seeing. Are you seeing something different, or do you believe something is not working correctly?
Mine is showing as well. No issues.
It appears to me that Nest has changed the way they integrate their thermostat.
The icon you see that says Nest will take you to the Nest site for the smoke detection.
Hi @JNotar,
Just to clarify, when you click the Nest integration option you should be taken to a page that resembles the one below. Are you making it that far?
Yes as you can see there is no longer the option to connect with the Thermostat only the smoke detector.
to my knowledge there was never an option for the thermostat, it’s always been just the Protect. I’m not even sure what the use case for the thermostat would be…
It should be connecting accounts, not individual devices or device types (Nest may have changed their text) I have a test account that has 2 homes and one thermostat and it connects without any issues. If you try to connect and feel like something is not working correctly please let us know…
@leftride, If you just have a thermostat (or just a Nest account), your water usage info will still be included in your Nest monthly energy report (See image)
yes, I am aware. There are two components with regards to Nest.
- Connecting Rachio to your Nest account which as you mentioned will display water usage info
- Nest Protect integration, but per @JNotar initial comments there is no integration with the Nest Thermostat.
@leftride, ah thank you. We will update that text…
It seems to be working now. Go figure. Thank you all